Carpet savers, Lamborghini Diablo 6000. Modern manufacture in Italy. Nice fitting mats to fit over the original carpets. This style has the toro design inlaid in the mat in a contrasting color. Choose most any combination of mat, center toro design and border edging.

Carpet savers, Lamborghini Diablo 6000.  Modern manufacture in Italy.  Nice fitting mats to fit over the original carpets.  This style has the toro design inlaid in the mat in a contrasting color.  Choose most any combination of mat, center toro design and border edging. - U0303

Carpet savers, Lamborghini Diablo 6000. Modern... - U0303

per set of 2 mats

Price: $268.50
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  Carpet savers, Lamborghini Diablo 6000. Modern... - U0303 - Carpet savers, Lamborghini Diablo 6000. Modern manufacture in Italy. Nice fitting mats to fit over the original carpets. This style has the toro design inlaid in the mat in a contrasting color. Choose most any combination of mat, center toro design and border edging.


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